What are you saying?

Let the words of our mouths and the meditation of our hearts be acceptable in thy sight O Lord, our Strength, and our Redeemer (Psalm 19:14)

Words are like building blocks. As we speak we create living things, inanimate things, God spoke the word and there was life and light

The words of our mouth, the words we speak, should be life and light. By thinking the right things, things that are pure, lovely and of good report, we are setting the groundwork for what we speak. Regardless whether its what the listener wants to hear, we should speak truth and light into every situation that requires it.

From time to time we may say something that is outside of what we would like to create; but the key is to avoid repeating such words and in some cases it might even be necessary to repent for our poor choice of words.

By praying continually our thoughts are being trained and as a result our words will be so much better, so much more productive, so much more a blessing to the hearer.

Be quick to hear and slow to speak (James 1:19). There lies great wisdom. Take a little time to think and then speak. In this way we allow the Spirit of God to enter the conversation or discourse.

Yes, our words are building blocks, they create. So speak, say what you want

MESSAGE: Speak life and light

Scripture references:  Psalm 19:14James 1:19Proverbs 31:8


Next sip: The True Power of Us