
God has given us the most amazing gift of Himself, through salvation by Christ Jesus.

Our hearts are the tablets on which God has written His law. He has put His law in our minds (Hebrews 8:10).  Do we really need to be constantly preached to and taught? God says we shall all know Him, from the least of us to the greatest. (Hebrews 8:11). 

According to Romans 8:1, there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who live their lives according to the leading of the Holy Spirit of God who dwells in their heart.  Rather than responding to the dictates of our lusts, we should focus on and respond to the dictates of our heart, for therein lies the secret to our Peace.

No more will He remember our sins and iniquities for He is merciful to our unrighteousness (Hebrews 8:12).  Glory to God, there is no condemnation to those who love the Lord.  This is the source of our peace, knowing we are whole, nothing missing and nothing broken because Our Heavenly Father has made a way for our redemption through Christ.  What an amazing gift. Thank you Jesus!

God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell with us, to protect, guide and comfort us.  What an amazing, thougtful, loving and wise Father we have.  Be still and behold Him, He is our source, He is our Peace. 

Armed with this knowledge we can soak in and be filled with Peace that surpasses all our understanding.  Glory to God. 

MESSAGE: Listen to HIm, trust Him, for He is the Source of our Peace. 

Scripture references: James 3:18Psalm 34:14Philippians 4:6-7

Next Sip: Joy